Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welcome to the world of sports.

Sports mean something different to each and every one of us. I understand that many of you readers range in interest in sports: from the sports fanatics to those who don't know between the super bowl, sugar bowl, and cereal bowl. Whether you follow sports religiously or not is irrelevant, because however much I would like to simply talk sports with you till your blue in the face it is my goal and duty in this blog to not only broaden your knowledge of sports but explain it’s relevance in our lives.

Through this blog, I hope that you will begin to discover that sports influence more realms than we know. Obviously, sports are a huge part of our culture. Much of our lives are spent either playing or watching sports because of their entertaining nature. National teams, no matter what the sport, are a source of state pride and can also reflect and even impact the political/diplomatic agenda of a country. Take rivalries for example. Rivalries between two nation’s sports teams have the tendency to spark or further political tension between the two countries (like in the case of USA and the USSR in the 1980 Olympics). Professional sport leagues also play a rather large role in the economy. With the large viewing audience it attracts, it generates income from ticket sales and even creates revenues for the television programs and internets domains that follow it.

Most importantly, though, sports provide us with meaning on a personal level. Sports stories have the ability to inspire, motivate, and give us hope. For many, sports are a way to escape reality, or find a place where life is peaceful and makes sense. Sporting programs offer life lessons and transform thousands into better individuals. In addition, they allow countless athletes to be recognized for their achievements and for a lucky few, provide them with income for life.

As you can see, sports are more than silly games that distract us from reality, but instead, shape our reality on a global and personal level. I hope that you will continue to follow and post comments on my blog as I continue to uncover more topics, stories, and events and their connection to sports.

Till next time,
Merrick Topping